My journey has prepared me to support you on yours.

Born and raised in Lexington, Kentucky, I have lived in Chicago, Illinois for 25 years and counting. I am blessed with my beautiful wife Matty and children, Nora and Oliver. They are my people. Exercise fuels me, most notably running and cycling. The Chicago Cubs and Kentucky basketball are my go to sports teams. I'm an avid reader (nonfiction) and love discovering new streaming series with my family. The Mandalorian, The Queen's Gambit and Ted Lasso are recent favorites. Coaching has redefined my life, both as a client and as a coach. Freedom and clarity come from coaching — I am blessed and honored to be able to support clients on their journeys.

What makes me unique.

Values: I believe values are our compass. I help clients establish a critical foundation in their core values in order for them to better define their path. I am a certified Leadership & Coaching trainer through the Barrett Values Center, one of the premier values institutes in the world.

My journey: My life has been a windy road towards self-discovery. I know what it's like to be devoid of purpose, seeking a deeper meaning. My journey towards a purposeful and fulfilling life aids my ability to understand, connect, support and guide others in their journeys.     

Business background: I am strategic, organized, methodical. I will formulate a plan and keep you accountable. That is feedback I receive from existing clients.

My education: As a Certified Professional Life Coach and Health Coach, I bring a holistic approach to coaching that combines life coaching philosophy with a health coach mindset. Living your best life means optimizing the most important areas of your life including relationships, career, spirituality, nutrition, and physical health. 


“I believe Andrew is changing the world one person at a time. His approach and style of coaching comes from an authentic place that is guided by his desire to be of service. He exudes empathy, relatability, and genuinely cares about his clients. I am confident that anyone who works with Andrew will leave better than when they arrived, I know this because it happens to me each session.”

Preeti M.