Pivot Points are Opportunities to Realize Your Potential. Take Them.
I recently saw a quote talking about how the older we get, the more we become ourselves. It gave me pause.
“Interesting,” I thought — and not quite right.
There are millions of people who die unhappy, with themselves and their lives. They never overcame a fear or limiting belief, or negative perceptions about themselves — never moved past the bullying they suffered in grade school, or the lack of recognition or attention from their parents. They die still believing they weren’t good enough or smart enough. Rabbi Harold Kushner states, “We don’t have to be afraid of dying because it’s not death that scares us. We are afraid of not having lived.”
Here is what strikes me about the notion that the older we get the more we become ourselves — in each of our lives, we are presented with decision points, forks in the road, realizations, events, or awareness...moments really, when something occurs to them: I’m not on the right path, I’m not happy, I don’t know my purpose, I’m tired of living in fear, I can do better, how did I get here, I need a new plan. These forks present moments of opportunity. They are calibration points, tipping points to use Malcom Gladwell’s phrase.
For those who seize those opportunities, they pivot towards their true selves. They align their actions with their values. That may lead to a new career, a changed relationship, a rekindled hobby, a changed perspective on life. A more purpose-driven life. Or all the above. Those who don’t, miss another opportunity to realize their potential.
In essence, happiness is a choice. And we are presented opportunities to pivot towards happiness along our journey. It’s up to us to pivot.
I’ve written about my pivots in previous posts, from choosing to quit Ambien cold turkey after a bizarre episode at work that resulted in me taken to the ER in an ambulance, to rebuilding my marriage after my wife told me she no longer loved me, to becoming a coach when I realized I want to serve others. I was presented with forks in the road — and in those instances, I pivoted.
Now, I get to support others as they pivot. And it’s awesome.
Are you seeing these pivot points in your life? These invitations for change? Are you taking them? If you feel like you aren’t growing, aren’t living your best life, aren’t in touch with or living in alignment with your values, let’s talk. And if you are living your best life, please share how you’re doing it! Here’s to getting older and enjoying the ride.