Performance = Potential - Interference
Do you feel like you are underperforming, falling short, even failing, in areas most important to you?
This formula can help. Let’s start with definitions:
In what areas of your life is your performance not matching your potential?
Your current role? Are you missing goals and targets? Is there a lack of connection on your team and you aren’t addressing the core issues? Is your motivation down or fluctuating?
Your career? Are you stuck? Is your career not progressing like you expected? Is your career a source of frustration and anxiety?
Serving as a parent? Do you struggle to be present when you’re with your kids? Do you bring work frustrations home with you into playtime?
Showing up for your significant other? Are you running on fumes at the end of the day and have nothing left to give? Do you feel disconnected and don’t know why?
Showing up as a friend or for your extended family? Are you failing to show up as the friend or family member you want to be?
What is this interference costing you? Frustration? Lack of career advancement? Sleep? Closer relationships? Ability to be present in the moment? And where else is the impact in your life beyond that specific performance area (after all, everything is connected)?
What would it look like and feel like to operate at your full potential.....
Maximizing your potential starts with getting clear on each piece of the formula:
Performance: What areas of your life are most important? Why? What makes each piece you identify so important? And how is each piece connected?
Potential: What does operating at full potential look like for you? What are the characteristics and how does it feel when they are running at full steam?
Interference: What’s getting in the way? Is it a mental block? Limiting belief? Are there assumptions you’re making that may or may not be true?
When you think about it, being the best you can be in any area involves bringing clarity of purpose together with clear-minded focus in execution to produce optimal results.
Effective coaching supports clarity across all three parts of this formula. When you know what you’re aiming for (performance) and why, know how to optimize that performance (potential), and eliminate distractions (interference), you’ve created the ideal environment to elevate your game, results and satisfaction.
If you’re looking for clarity, if you’re looking to reduce interference, if you’re looking to elevate your game across the most important areas of your life, let’s talk.