You are the person you’ve been looking for. Start BEing that person.
When life isn’t to our liking, when we are dissatisfied, it’s so much easier to externalize the situation, to blame others or circumstances, than to take responsibility or action. We place conditions on a return to happiness, progress, and action. Often, our thinking looks like this: I’ll (fill in the blank) when (fill in the blank). This formula can be applied in so many areas of our life:
I’ll be happy when I find the right life partner
I’ll like my job when I get a new boss who sees my potential
I’ll get promoted when they (the proverbial they) see the talent they have in me
I’ll start working out when I feel better about myself
I’ll get better at work/life balance when work slows down
I’ll prioritize my relationships when I get a better handle on my job
I’ll get a new job when I have more time
I’ll generate more business at work when the market improves
I’ll figure out what I really want to do with my life when I have an epiphany and God Himself informs me, THIS is what I am meant to do.
Why is this formula so convenient? Because it removes the burden and responsibility from ourselves and places it on others or circumstances.
Think about it – if management doesn’t see all the value you bring, no wonder you aren’t getting promoted. It’s their fault!
I don’t have time for exercise in my life – I’m killing myself at work. No reasonable person would expect to balance their life with day after day of Zoom calls. But eventually, I won’t be this swamped. I’ll work out then. Now, let’s see what’s on Netflix.
When you pass the buck, cast the blame externally, you give away your power and ability to manifest the change you seek, the change that can bring about happiness and fulfillment.
Who are you blaming for your current state? What external condition is getting in the way of your happiness? What can are you kicking down the road?
There is a better way.
Here’s the thing: a goal is a place to start from, not a place to go to.
A goal is a place to start from, not a place to go to.
Everything we DO comes from who we decide to BE.
If your goal is a better job, get intentional about who YOU need to BE now to make it happen. What thoughts do you need to have to identify and find the right job? What feelings do those new thoughts create? And what actions result from those feelings?
If you are burned out, overworked, and lack anything close to balance, who do YOU need to BE to have balance in your life? What does balance look like for you? What thoughts emerge when picture balance in your life? How do those thoughts of balance make you feel? What actions do they inspire?
So often we see that next step, the new job, achievement of a business goal, losing a set amount of weight, or reconnecting to an unattended relationship as the goal.
When we come from our goal, when we BEcome what is required to achieve a goal and objective, we make an exceptionally powerful decision.
In BEing the person who achieves that goal now, we set the conditions for all our DOing to come from that place.
Thus, the goal is in BEing, not achieving. The achieving will come from the BEing.
If you are ready to enter the starting gate, to take back your power and manifest the life you want, I am ready to support you. Start here.